05. 05. 2006 | ||
FINAL DOCUMENT This is leading to an increase of moral problems, a degradation of lifestyles, a corruption of health services and lack of attention to the most vulnerable in society: the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill. Although we cannot deliver everything to all, we have to emphasize the fundamental right of every human person to basic health care. Only respect of each person, created in the image of God, may prevent a sort of social euthanasia, with people suffering, or even dying because necessary health services are unaffordable for them. 2. The term “pre-embryo” is a conceptual and linguistic construction, without any scientific basis, created merely for pragmatic and utilitarian purposes. 7. A drug addict is a sick person and has a place in our society. Medical psychosocial and religious help may offer him inspiration and support.
8. Medical action must be based not only upon rights and duties, but also upon grace and love, passing from occupation to vocation, and accompanying patients until the end of their life.
Our first Congress of the new Millennium is an opportune time to renew our pledge in the service of the life, dignity and rights of every human being in the spirit of Evangelium Vitae, the magna carta of catholic doctors and an important source of inspiration for all health care workers of good will. Bratislava, July 4, 2004